(ya know now that I think about it I don't think I ever asked him if it was okay to post pictures of them on here..... he'll let me know if not! LOL)Now... on to the birthday party weekend.....
First of all, we arrive at Maw Maw & Paw Paw's house and there are birthday gifts waiting....
I don't know if you can see it or not, but Brooke got a "Make Me Better Mommy" doll. In the pic she is giving the baby it's "mecine" because it has red glowing cheeks! She also got the double stroller and quickly found her other baby doll to put in.
On Saturday morning, Valentine's Day, we went to breakfast with my Dad. You can see here that Brooke has PawPaw wrapped around her little finger. She lovesss to brush her own teeth so you have to bribe her...or at least I do. She let Paw Paw help her though without much of a fuss.
This pink princess bear was Brookie's Valentine Day present from me. Also, you can see in this picture where her little eye is turned in. She has lazy eye and pretty poor vision - last week she went to the doctor and they fit her for glasses. I can't imagine that she will leave them on but the doctor says that she will notice such a difference in her eye sight that she will want to wear them. It seems that this "lazy" eye thing came on awful fast - I have looked and looked at pictures of her over the past two years and there is no indication whatsoever that she had any eye problems. Let's just pray that the glasses correct it and she doesn't have any other problems with it!
Brooke and I then went to visit Yoda and put his Valentine Day present on his little grave. Brooke kept saying... "Yo Yo Sleeping... I lay down" I wouldn't let her lay down on the ground but I did let her sit by him.
Then on Sunday it was time to "PAWWTY" as Brookie likes to say! There are so many great birthday party pictures, so here goes......
And last but not least.... here is Brookie with Maw Maw. Can you tell she is a bit spoiled??? By the way, that is a "Boot Ear" in front of her as she likes to call it. She lovessss root beer.
I've had a couple of people email me lately and ask how the situation with Brooke and her mother and/or grandma is going. Nothing has changed and I becuase I don't know what else to do at this point, I would just say PRAY that Brooke is has the best life imaginable! Speaking of praying, my friend Pam's little boy Jacob is having some difficulties again (he's the one who had the brain tumor). He had an MRI done in December and it showed no evidence of disease which is wonderful but the past few weeks he has been having some other dificulties with seizures and such. Their family could use some prayers and even some encouraging words on their website - the link is on the right side of my page. Also, please keep my cousin's little boy Caden in your prayers - he has Epilepsy and it isn't under control. He has seizure's frequently and with that comes other challenges for him and his mom and dad - the prayers is that they can find the right medication that will get the seizures under control.