and in no particular order....
First we have Miss Jody.... and if you click on the picture you will see that she is chewing on a pacifier. Her new favorite toy!

Here we have Miss Brooke with her new (really big) glasses on. I know they look like she is borrowing mine but actually they are children's glasses, she is just so little :(

I think she looks like a brainiac! :)
And here is Miss Suzanna...she is a brainiac unfortunately she is at that age where her brain is on strike! :) Even so...she is a sweet and compassionate little girl. Let me tell you what she did this week. Her dad was gone on a business trip so she was staying with me, so I was going through her stuff to make sure she remembered everything and she said she needed some money for the book she wanted from the book fair. So I asked her how much and she said... I dunno. So she already had $6 her dad gave her so I said well I'll give you $4. You should be able to get a book for $10. She said, I don't think so. So I said well if you want a book that is more than $10 then you can get the extra money out of your stash (the girl will NOT spend any money she gets and stashes it all). So she did, she took $10 more out of it. When she came home that night, I asked her... Honey did you get a book today? She said Yes and told me the name. So I said well how much was it? And she said it was $8. I said well make sure you put the rest of the money back in your stash. She goes... well I don't have it. I asked where it was and she says...well at the book fair they have this penny jar for kids who can't afford books and I love books and I was just thinking it would be terrible to not have books and I want other kids to have books, too. I put the rest of the money in the penny jar so some other kid can get a book.
Well... that made me cry! Is that great or what? Her Daddy should be proud of himself for raising such and kind and compassionate young lady. GAWD it makes me cry now just thinking about it.

And here are Suz and Brooke and Jody.... my girls all in one picture!

And here they are with Suzanna's little friend D'laya (have no idea how the heck you are suppose to spell her name!)

Now look at that .... I can hear Brookie saying..."STOP Sissy, I can do it!" My brother got her this for her birthday. And Suzanna being the mother hen that she is has her hands in ready position..... (as if Brooke could possibly get injured with all of those pads I put on her!)

And here she is..... All ready to go. Notice that in the above picture I have made them move away...far away... from my vehicle! LOL

And here we have the princess in her new Tinkerbell Bed. She loves to sit in it and watch TV but do you think she will sleep in it? Uh No! She says, "No Mommy Dottie, Tink sleep here I sleep in Dottie bed." How am I suppose to say no to that?

This was last Sunday getting ready to go to church. She's laughing at her new shoes. My Aunt bought her this cute outfit for her birthday.

Oh Yes.... and here we have our first ever face painting fun. I just thought I had Brooke's bedroom proofed so she couldn't get into anything if I would have to walk out for a few minutes. So while I had her baby gated in her room so i could shower .... I forgot to take the laundry basket back out. She turned it upside down and climbed on it to reach her markers. Thank goodness they were washable!

And last but not least.... I leave you with her 2nd birthday pictures I had made a few weeks ago. I think these three show off her personality.

Here we are playing peek-a-boo. This was impromtu by the way..she wouldn't cooperate much with the photographer. We had a really hard time getting pictures where her little eye was straight.

I love this one of her laughing. There is nothing in this world that sounds as wonderful to me as her cute little laugh. I hope 20 years from now this pictures brings those sounds back to my mind!

And here we are .... being sweet. Couldn't ya just pinch those cheeks???