It is so hard to know that your baby is growing inside of someone else – someone who chooses to continue smoking, eating poorly and is just generally not taking very good care of herself. It is frustrating to have no control over the circumstances in which your baby is developing.
I sometimes question my sanity, but yesterday when the doctor said, “Ahh there’s the heartbeat” and I could hear the swishing of the baby’s heart, it made it all worth while!
I know that God has a plan, I know that He is the creator of all and that it is He who makes that little heart beat and those little lungs breathe. The miracle of life…. What a gift to be a part of this. I feel that He has blessed me with this opportunity and so I welcome it with open arms.
“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” – Proverbs 3:6
And so this is what a baby looks like at approximately 12 weeks:
Fetal Development at 12 Weeks
The fetus measures about two and a half inches and starts to make its own movements. Your doctor may hear the baby's heartbeat with special instruments. The sex organs of the baby should start to become clear. At this point the child can grip an object, frown, squint, turn her head and swallow. The child's arms and legs are clearly present.
July seems like a long time to wait!
In the meantime, I need ideas on how to prepare a 3 year old for the arrival of a new baby. Please email with suggestions to:
I don't know how this little princess is going to adjust to having to share the spotlight with another baby ....