I miss Kenya! I was reading the blog site of one of the girls that I met while I was there and gosh when she explains some of the things she is doing, I can just see the beautiful little town of Kitale. How I wish I could go back there again. I was thinking about this today (I do have alot of time on my hands - my doctor won't release me to go back to work and I don't see her again for two weeks!), anyway so I was thinking - if there is one thing I could do different if I went back to Kenya, what would it be?
Well, let me tell you - I would spend more time with those little kids, hugging and kissing on them and letting them play with my hair. I would try to be a little less "afraid" while I was there - I always had this little bit of fear that made me hold back just a little bit. I hope if I get to go again, I hope I don't experience that.
Lastly, I'd probably try to learn alot more about their culture - including more of their language and I would bring back lots of suveniers to give away to my family and friends.
Oh and one more thing - I'd go to as many Kenyan church services as I could find. Even though I couldn't understand their language all the time, I still haven't found a spiritual experience that has matched up to what you get in Kenya. I think it's because they don't have the distractions we do.
Anyway - so I now have an updated photo of Laban, the little boy who stole my heart while I was there. He's getting big and is a cutie. Labn was such a sweet boy - he wanted to come to America and be a preacher. :)
Here he is:

And this, a beautiful Kitale sunset - taken from the roof of our hotel room - where we discovered a bath tub with dirty rain water where the hotel staff was washing our clothes! A very nice gesture on their part, considering that most of them probably do not wash their own clothes.

And here is a picture I want you all to know about. Puffing on glue bottles is a very common addiction amoung the young street kids in Kenya. These are kids who are the poor of the poor in one of the poorest countries. These are kids who have been on the streets for most of their life - and some of them all of their life, being born to mothers who are street kids.
And some samples of the animals I saw on my safari.
So now - the question... ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A TRIP TO KENYA? I've got a really great contact that is always looking for groups to come and help with their projects. Just curious if any of you are interested in taking a trip? It wouldn't be for a year or so - takes a while to plan - and you could fund raise all the money you needed for travel and related expenses. Anyone could go - it would actually be a GREAT experience for kids 10 and over. They will know how wonderful their life is here in the United States!
Let me know if you are interested!
Kwa Heri! (Goodbye!)
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