Yes we are making progress, in more ways than one!
First though we have to see some pictures of the princess.....

So I found little Miss Priss like this one day.... she had been left alone for, oh I dunno, 1.5 seconds? I heard her say "no boots" but I had no idea! If you will look closely, she also has the telephone up to her ear and she was having a pretty intense conversation with Mawmaw Wilda!
(This is one of those pictures she will be mad at me for someday!)

Next, Brookie is at my cousin's birthday party. This little girl lovessss to party! I think she is teaching the older girls how to do the mashed potato in this shot.

And here she is baking with MawMaw Wilda.... peanut butter cookies. Wasn't long after this picture she had dough on her nose and mouth and no one saw her sneak the bite. :)

This picture was taken outside the complex we live in. This was yesterday getting ready to leave for church. Oh and what crazy weather! Yesterday morning she was in this cute little dress and the temp was perfect for it. Last night she had on two layers of long sleeves it was so cold out. Crazy Missouri weather!

Now this was the progress I was talking about! Here we have Brooke asleep in her OWN bed! Yeah! Never mind I had to sit next to her on the floor for an hour before she finally fell asleep. She stayed in her bed until 5:30am this morning. And currently........

She and Jody are both asleep in my bed. I think they are going to grow up best friends :) Jody is a big time cuddler.
And, onto the other progress.....
At this time, all I want to say is keep praying for Brooke to be in the safest, most loving home possible where she will have the greatest opportunities for a happy and healthy life. The past week has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride but I think we might be making some headway.
I think it is pretty safe to say though, you'll be seeing more and more pictures like this....

for many more years to come!
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