Anyhoo...let's get started!
Here we have some pictures of little Miss Priss at my mom and dad's house. She stayed with them for a week - while she was there they bought her this cute little swing.
Paw Paw just hated it when he had to go to work while she was there. So he brought the tractor by for her to see.

This family may have lost their little man Jake but let me tell you, his memory lives on in all that they do to celebrate his life by helping other families.
Okay, so the next picture below... please do not lecture me about how unsafe it is to let the kiddos play on a slippery pad on concrete... I KNOW THIS! Sometimes ya just gotta play where you are and that's what we did! Look how much fun she is having!

I also understand how important it is to keep your kid hydrated on a hot day... but this picture proves the theory that we have an innate ability to keep ourselves alive. I mean she figured out how to drink the spray off the water spiket! I'm training her for Survivor!

These next two pictures are some of my faves! When I look at these, I know that there is no stronger bond than between a mother and her child. I also know, as many who have adopted children do, that the bond between a mother and her adopted child is as strong than that of a mother and her natural born child. You know what is strange? People have been telling me since Brooke was 3 months old htat we looks alike. When I look at these pictures...we kinda do! Maybe it's the hair color and the glasses??

Oh before I forget.... all along, I have let Brooke call me whatever she called me. Sometimes it was Dottie, sometimes Mommy and usually it has been Mommy Dottie. In the past few weeks though, she has dropped Dottie and just calls me Mommy. It makes my heart melt!
Okay...this next little group of pictures was taken Friday night. I LOVEEE this outfit from Children's Place. Brooke is really into hats and purses and I just can't pass up the opportunity to buy a matching outfit!
We are at our church here. Little Girl is all exicted about the "FOWERS" .....
As she runs off she is hollering .... "I WANT THEM FOWERS"
The flower incident was only the beginning of the vandalism to the church on Friday night :) We went to the family movie night where Horton Hears A Who was playing. Nellie (as I like to call know from Little House On The Prairie) was an absolute terror on wheels! First of all, she wouldn't sit still on the floor with the other kiddos. She had to keep running back to tell me "secwets". Then she wouldn't leave some little boy alone... he would inch away from her and she would inch closer to him. He actually moved to the other side of the stage. Nellie followed. Then she was just helping herself to everyone else's popcorn. She had her own, but I was keeping it by me because I was afraid she would dump it out. I finally let her take it...she pranced right up on to the stage and dumped it out. I love my sweet girl. :) We left about 35 minutes into the movie. I'm sure everyone appreciated it!
So this is some exciting news! Suzanna jumped off the high dive last week! YEAH SUZANNA! She has been doing swimming lessons for three summers now and everything is starting to click for her. I came on Thursday night with the camera in tow.... she is swimming very well! She has learned rotary breathing and a couple of different strokes ... I don't know what they are called. Anyway... so here is the series of pictures of her jumping off the diving board!
"Okay Dad... gotta hold the nose just in case!"
The girl is growing up right before our eyes! Last weekend we went home to visit my mom and dad. I bought Suzanna a new outfit and did her hair and make up before we left my mom and dad's house. We went to pick Mike up so we could go to dinner for Father's Day and he said, "Who said you could wear make up?" Suzanna said, "Dottie" Mike looked at me and said, "Who said she could wear make up?" I said, "Me" End of story...nothing else was said. I think we won the battle but not the war.... I doubt either of us have heard the last of it.
Look at her though in these pictures with my dad. She is a beautiful YOUNG LADY...that's right Mike. Read those words and weep...your baby is growing up!
Suzanna leaves in a few days to go spend two weeks with her grandparents in Oklahoma and then she is off to Girl Scout Camp for two weeks. A whole month :( I will miss her a bunch but I know it's good for her to get away and experience different things and to spend time with her grandparents. When she comes back it will be just in time for her birthday on August 1st.
This picture below was also taken on Father's Day. Notice that my dad's shirt has hand prints on it. Those are Brookie's .... we had fun making his shirt and he wore it proud!
Okay... last set of pics. These were taken today.....
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