The last coule of weeks have been busy! First of all... court went good on August 7. Grandma and Grandpa now have legal guardianship. This is what we needed to have happen so we can move forward in this process. I know that it is difficult to understand and yes it is VERY frustrating but this is not your typical situation. I have had some people question me lately, wondering why I continue to go along with all of this. This answer is simple. Brooke is my baby and I will do whatever it takes, for ever how long it takes. I know that God is in charge and I BELIEVE that He will see us through this experience.
Now...on to more fun things! On Tuesday night, Brooke and I went to the Wiggles Concert. This little girlie talked about it for a week, she just couldn't wait to get there. The concert was at St. Louis University and I just had to snap this picture on the campus...some day when she graduates from SLU... you know in like 22 years.... I'll be able to take another picture in exactly the same location and hang them side by side LOL.
The roses she is holding are for Dorothy the Dinosaur. Dorothy is her very favorite'll here more about her later on in the post.

This was Brooke's second time seeing the Wiggles. My mom and I took her last year, but this time I was prepared and was on their mailing list so I was able to get pre-sale tickets. We were in the 10th row on the floor. I wanted her to be close to make sure she didn't have any trouble seeing them. Plus I wanted her to have the chance to see or touch one of the characters.
We got there pretty early and I had to entertain her with the camera. We took lots of pictures of hte two of us. Somehow I actually got one that came out pretty decent.

When the lights when down and the music started playing, she just couldn't sit ANY longer. She had to start wiggling. We were on the aisle so she was able to get up and move around a little. Here she is dancing to one of her favorite songs.

It wasn't long before Jeff, Murray, Sam & Greg came rolling out in the Big Red Car. At about this point, Brooke was hollering... "MOMMY THEY MADE IT!" She was so excited that they were here.
Jeff, the character in purple, has a tendency to fall asleep during the shows. Well, don't think we weren't prepared! Brooke didn't hesitate one second to hold up her "WAKE UP JEFF" sign. Greg actually called her out and pointed to her sign. She thought that was kind of neat.

It didn't take long and all of the kids who had floor seats were wandering up to the stage. Well there was no holding this one back. She WAS going to get up there. I reluctantly let her go, I was afraid that she would get too far from me. I can't believe I missed it, but Wags the dog "FIVED ME" as Brooke calls other words, he gave her a high five. Gosh my baby girl is sooo darn cute!

She came on back to the seat to get a drink and Greg was talking about Dorothy. I gave her the sign and as she started to walk up, Dorothy came out onto stage. Brooke stopped and held up her sign and began waving. She just as quickly threw the sign down, grabbed the roses she brought for Dorothy and took off running to the stage again.
You can see Dorothy the Dinosaur in this picture taking roses from the kids. Little Bit was too far down for Dorothy to reach so Greg (the guy in red) had to grab Brooke's and hand them to Dorothy. Brooke kept stretching and stretching, doing everything she could to reach Dorothy.

At another point in the show, this guy in yellow... I think he is Murray but I can't keep them all straight...he came out into the audience and stopped and talk to Brooke. He touched her on the head. As you can see she was star struck! After this though, she kept running up to the stage trying to get Jeff, the guy who plays the piano, to talk to her. She came running back to me pouting and said, "Mommy, he not talk to me!" I had to explain that he was busy singing. LOL

This is pretty much what Brooke's face looked like through the whole show. She just had so much fun. She was very disappointed when the show was over and kicked and screamed the whole way out. She carried on and on almost all the way home... in the midst of it all I could hear... I want to HUG DOROTHY!

When we got home and she settled down, she went to sleep fast but insisted on sleeping in my bed. She dreamed about the Wiggles all night..she was moving around alot and once woke up laughing. I asked her what she was doing. With eyes closed, she said.... "Dancing"
And that is my dream for you baby girl...that you will always live by this simple quote:
"Dance like no one is watching, love like you'll never be hurt,sing like no one is listening,and live like it's heaven on earth."- William Purkey
I love being your mommy and look forward to watching you live a happy, healthy life filled with dancing, love and laughter!
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