Brooke & Mommy
October 2009
Has it really been 3 months since I blogged? I guess I should try to do a better job - the thing is, facebook is sooo much easier!
We have been very busy - Brooke is getting so big! Actually I was looking at the pictures from August and she is changing so much. My baby is growing up way faster than I want her to...though I have to say I am very pleased that we are progressing nicely on potty training. I think by Christmas she will be good to go.
We spent some time in Florida in October it was really great! Brooke loved the beach and it was fun to go on vacation with my mom and dad. My friend Amy and a friend of hers also went with us - it was a very nice relaxing vacation.
Halloween was a hoot - Brooke just wanted to be a "Bella, Bella, Bellarina" whatever the heck that is! She enjoyed herself and we went to the Alton parade - she was pretty excited to see Mickey and Minnie Mouse there!
We have also moved since I blogged last - I really like where we are at but I miss being close to Mike and Suzanna. We are now living in Troy which is about 25 minutes from Wentzville. It's very quiet and Brooke and Jody have 2 1/2 acres to run around on. I enjoy the peacefulness of the country but I don't like the drive into work every day. I'm adjusting but if you know me at all ... you know that I DONT DO MORNINGS! lol Getting up early and having to drive a half hour is just not enjoyable to me. I'm trying to take adavantage of the half hour to and from work by listening to calming music, talking and praying to God, singing with Brooke or just simply... being quiet! I read something a while back about trying to use your commute as a time to do some of these things. Well, so far, it's not working. :) Other than the drive, I do love the new place! There is plenty of room and it is feeling very homey - even put up some lights on the outside over the weekend.
Brooke's favorite thing about the new house... the "baby pool" that she gets to take a bath in (I did her bathroom in Nemo but she prefers my bathroom for bathing because she can "swim")
As far as an update on the difficult situation with Brooke, things haven't really changed though I do think we make tiny steps of progress each day. Gramma is still hanging on to those final strings. In the meantime, I pray alot. I pray that God gives me the strength to tolerate what comes with this situation, I pray that He protects Brooke and keeps her safe from harm both physically and emotionally, I just pray whatever is on my mind and beg him to carry us both through this and to give me the faith I need to know that He is in charge and will take care of us.
In the meantime, I really do try not to focus on what is "wrong" with the situation and instead rejoice in all of the happiness this little girl brings to me. She truly is the light of my life and I feel so blessed to have her call me mommy. Every day she learns something new and every day she teaches me something new. I am absolutely amazed at the growth of her little brain - she never misses anything and believe me she never forgets anything.
She uses words that I never expected a 2 year old to use. For instance, the other day we are driving down the road by our house and she sees some Christmas lights on a house, she hollers... "Mommy look! It's Incwedible"
She also uses words on occassion that a 2 year old should NOT use. Just yesterday we are driving down Highway 61 between Troy and Wentzville and she hollers, "HOLY SHIT!" I nearly jerked the car off road and she continues "THERE"S RUDOLPH!" I start to glance back at her to figure out what the heck is going on and a blazer on her side of the road pulls up even with me and I realize... there is a dang dead dear on top of it. Thankfully, she didn't realize that the deer was dead. I'm not sure where she gets the foul mouth..... I know what you are thinking but I'm serious, I don't cuss in front of her. Must be the other kids at day care.....
My little buddy Smokey (my 17 year old cat) passed away at the end of September. Since his best friend Yoda died last year, he has really been going downhill. He was beginning to suffer and I just couldn't let it continue. It broke my heart - I found that little guy on the side of Route 3 in East Alton in 1992 and he was so tiny I had to feed him with an eye dropper. He went with me to college in Mt. Carmel, IL - transferred with me to St.Louis - then back to East Alton - to 3 different places there - then to Wentzville where we lived in 3 different places. He stuck by me through thick and thin and dogs and kids. He was really a good pet and I miss him and so does Brooke. As hard as what it was, I know I did the nicest thing for him when he was declining so rapidly. I miss him......
On a brighter side - Jody is quite a treat! This dog just cracks me up and I absolutely love that she and Brooke are growing up together.... they play and fight just like sisters should. Jody is protective of her and she likes to sleep laying with her head on Brooke's shoulder. It's adorable and I need to try to get a picture of it. Problem is, every time I walk into the room Jody's head pops up like she's on guard. :)
As I was typing this, Jody comes into the room and has what appears to be a baseball. OH MAN....I have a bunch of things sitting here in my office that I am still organizing since the move. That dog was chewing on my autographed Joe Torre baseball.... I am trying not to be mad :)
Thanks for hanging in there - I know this is a long post and exactly why I shouldn't wait so long! This process of blogging and adding pictures is somewhat painful. It takes forever to load the pictures and they load to the top of the page and then you have to move them where you want them...inch by stinkin inch... maybe I just haven't learned the tricks yet. I think I will try to find a different blogger and see if I can find something simplier so I will be more consistent. :)
Leaving you with quote - seems appropriate for this season of Thanksgiving and this season of my life.
"If one could only learn to appreciate the little things...A song that takes you away, for there are those who cannot hear.The beauty of a sunset, for there are those who cannot see.The warmth and safety of your home, for there are those who are homeless.Time spent with good friends for there are those who are lonely.A walk along the beach for there are those who cannot walk.The little things are what life is all about.Search your soul and learn to appreciate."--Shadi Souferian
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