Brooke and Jody sleeping.
Speaking of sisters..... we have a new baby on the way! Brooke's biological mother is pregnant again and I will be bringing the baby home from the hospital. As you can imagine, we were all a bit upset - it seems so unfair that someone who chooses not to care for their children can continue to get pregnant time and time again while there are so many people who desperately want children and can't have them. However - I am trying to remember.... Human's make mistakes but God does not. I believe that He has a plan that was determined long before any of us could even imagine. I'm just thankful that He has blessed me with an opportunity to raise another child.
Speaking of God... I want to share this with you.
Only God
I look at your sweet smile and I know that only God could create such an incredible miracle. Only He could color your eyes a blue so deep I feel like I’m looking into the depths of the sea. Only God could make your little ears that perfect shape and then give them the power to hear all that is going on in your little world so that one day you could use that sweet little voice of yours to echo all that you hear. Only God could create your giggle that can light up a room and fill your mommy’s heart with an overwhelming joy that only you have the power to provide. Only God could make your little hands the perfect size to fit into mine. Only God could create your mind to absorb the words, colors, shapes and happenings of this great world. I have no doubt that God created you and then blessed me with the privilege of being your mommy.
Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the great love I feel for this little girl. You hear people say, "there is no love like that a mother has for her child". Those are just words until you really experience it because you can't even imagine this type of love for another!

Dancin Queen - she likes to "dress up" herself. I love hte sunglasses that actually go on her build-a -bear monkey! lol
Which brings me to my next topic. As we approach the holidays, let's not forget about all of the children at St. Judes. I can't imagine the heartache those parents feel as they watch their children suffer through cancer treatments. I look at Brooke and I think of little Jake Owen Raborn and Jacob Tomasovic and so many of the other children and I just pray to God to keep her healthy so she never has to feel that pain and I pray for a cure for Cancer. If you are interested in St. Judes and helping the children there, you can go to http://www.stjude.org/ .
I'm trying to blog more often but dang I just have a hard time finding time! As soon as I have more details about the baby, I'll post them. Stay tuned......
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